Our Life Enrichment Specialists are Your Guides
Our services are tailored to the needs and aspirations of each individual.
Using a team approach, we support the person to create and follow a written plan that helps them to move closer to the life they desire.
Some of the areas we can help with are:
- Creating connections within the community
- Engage in volunteer opportunities
- Identifying leisure interests
- Pursuing recreational opportunities
- Connecting with work or vocational resources
- Strengthening friendships & family relationships
- Pursuing civic engagement
- Providing and receiving emotional support and encouragement
- Recognizing & enhancing skills
We offer these services mostly on an individual basis out in the community

With unwavering respect for the preferences of the individual and using a team approach, we coach the person and the people who care about them to navigate life’s opportunities and risks.
The State of Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) pays for many of these services. The DPHHS refers to their funding for these services as Family Education & Support, or as Home & Community Based Services Comprehensive Waiver.
We coach people broaden their knowledge and make their own informed choices and decisions about the life they want to lead.

We believe that the community is made stronger and more vibrant when everyone has an opportunity to participate in the life of the community, in whatever capacity they choose. When those opportunities are impeded by barriers of any kind, we collaborate with stakeholders and decision-makers to reduce and eliminate those hindrances.